Sprache Englisch
Kosten 140 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 9 Stunden

Bagan period established since 9century. it was located out of Nyaung OO. but 11 century to 13 century are golden empire in Bagan. there are over 4000 Pagodas. in fact there are only left over 2000 Pagodas in the land. most of the pagodas are Temples. The king Anaw Ra Hta is very honorable and very powerful king in this period. you can't imagine, you can see how to rich the people, how to live, how is perfect for culture heritage and ways of life Bagan Thar.

The most famous Pagodas are Ananda, Dhamanyangyi, Shwe Zigon and Thetbyinnyu. hence if you had already been those 4 pagodas, you can tell to everyone you had already been in BAGAN.

In fact Bagan is one of the richest cultural Tourist attraction in Ancient MYANMAR.


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