Bishkek city tour

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 65 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Tag

Duration: 3-4 hours.

A mixture of modern and national culture.

Souvenirs (avant-garde and national style).

· Kyrgyz national University,

· Youth alley,

· Kyrgyz national Philharmonic,

· Statue of Manas and Manaschi,

· Victory square,

· Opera and ballet theatre,

· Oak park

· Old square,

· One of museums in Bishkek,

· Ala-Too central square,

· Art gallery.

Tour price in USD/person:

1 pax- USD98

2 pax- USD52

3 pax- USD44

4 pax- USD35

5 pax- USD29

6 pax- USD25

7 pax- USD21

8 pax- USD20

9 pax- USD17

Price includes: entrance fees,


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