Old Dubai City Tour, Live The History \ 4 Hrs.

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch
Kosten 250 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

Dubai is a city with its own individual exotic charm. Is a destination growing of modern buildings. shows the beauty of an

Islamic architecture starting Visit Al Bastakiah Historical Area, to see the surrounding houses with wind-towers - an early form of air-conditioning (Al Barajeel in local name), Then move walking to Al Fahidi Fort, which is named Dubai Museum, We will have opportunity to get rich, full and integral knowledge of the very old history of Dubai that interacted with different people and civilizations across history, acquainted with the different environments of urban and rural lives in Dubai. Then Moving Walk through the Old Souk to smell the old times under the wooding ceiling.

Crossing the creek by water boat "ABRA", to visit the other side in Deira, stop in Spice Souk where you will find all kind of spices from different countries, than continue walking to famous Gold Souk. The gold & Diamonds on display never fails to delight your eyes with over 300 gold shops.


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