Sprache Englisch, Portugiesisch
Kosten 120 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

Everyday - Full Day - Morning Start - Group or Private Tour

Edirne - Ancient Adrianople "City of Hadrian" founded in the 2nd century AD, became a former Ottoman capital in Europe before the conquest of Istanbul. It is a pleasant, historic city seldom visited by tourists even though it's an easy day-trip west of Istanbul, its rich collection of mosques, bazaars and monuments remains mostly unspoiled and remains a bustling centre of modern Turkish life in all its forms.

Tour Sites:

* Selimiye Mosque Complex - dominates the skyline of the city, built by Sinan, the most famous of Ottoman architects in the 16th century, recognised by Sinan himself as his most important architectural work. It is now in the World Heritage List of Unesco.

* Macedonian Tower - It s a tower of Edirne's Hellenistic city walls.

* Uc Serefeli Mosque - has three balconies, giving it its name which literally means "three balconied".

* Ali Pasa Bazaar - is built by architect Sinan & and still a vivid Market like Istanbul's Spice Bazaar.

* Old Mosque - Eski Cami is the oldest Ottoman imperial mosque in Europe.

* Medical Museum - a mental institution using innovating ways like music and gardens during Ottoman times, in the complex of Sultan Murad II.

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