Kosten 69 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

No, it’s not Japanese. The name Suchitoto actually comes from the native Nahuat language that means “Place of flowers and birds”. What was one of the most important indigo trade centers of the world, cultural capital of the country and later on a scene of some fierce fighting during the Civil War years, today, with it’s colonial style architecture, old houses with red roof tiles and cobblestone streets, Suchitoto has emerged as a center  for the arts hosting galleries, exhibits and world class music and arts festivals.

Located along the shores of Suchitlán lake, the only man-made lake in El Salvador with a stunning beauty.

47 Km North of San Salvador the city of Suchitoto is set by a hydroelectric damn reservoir what makes up part of the Lempa River. Visit some of the most important historical and cultural spots as Centro Artes para la Paz, La Galería de Pascal, Iglesia Santa Lucia and Parque Central.

One of the Top Destinations not-to-be-missed in El Salvador.

Suchitoto is a charming small city set on the shores of  Suchitlán lake with diverse options for lodging, eating and knowing.

You can choose some optional activity that fits better in your interest: take a boat ride on the largest lake in El Salvador and visit The Birds Island or The Hermit’s cave. Explore the islands for birdwatching while paddling a kayak or hike Guazapa’s Historical Route or dye your own art piece in an Indigo Workshop or a walk to basalt columns Los Tercios Waterfall .

Highlight: visit the nearby Cinquera village and its protected area.

*Some visits, places and activities mentioned above are optional and not included in the regular tour.


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