Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 69 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

Cerro Verde make up the Eastern most tip of the Sierra de Apaneca mountain range formed by more than a dozen volcanoes and is one of El Salvador most valued natural treasures. What is home to three major volcanoes, Cerro Verde, Santa Ana and Izalco. We’ll take time to walk the area and enjoy some gorgeous views of the surrounding countryside and also take a pleasant walk through the cloud forest. The last time Cerro Verde (Spanish for “Green Hill”) erupted is estimated over 25 thousand years ago with its highest point at 6,600 feet above sea level.

Coatepeque lake is without a doubt the blue sapphire of this magnificent region and one of the most beautiful volcanic lakes in the world: an old caldera of about 25 Km² with pristine waters where the Mayans once built a temple on the small island of Teopán to honor their goddess Ixchel. We’ll finish the tour with a panoramic view to the lake.

Los Volcanes National Park is formed by three major volcanoes: Cerro Verde, an extinct volcano crowned by a beautiful cloud forest and habitat for many species of plants such as orchids and some trees as old as 300 years, mammals, lizards and birds.

From the Visitors Center there are excellent views (on a clear day) of the surrounding volcanoes, Coatepeque lake, Zapotitán valley and Cordillera del Bálsamo it serves as a great place to begin some hikes.

Is from here where the hikes to the other 2 volcanoes start, Izalco and Santa Ana, the youngest and the tallest in the country.

Coatepeque is a volcanic caldera (a water basin) which origin was caused after the collapse of a giant magma chamber. This is, for sure, one of the natural beauties of El Salvador

Optional activities: boat or jet ski rides and scuba diving in the lake.


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