Flightseeing tour over the Amazon

Sprache Englisch, Deutsch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
Kosten 1400 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 1 Stunde

A scenic flight is a great way to see the Amazon.

Our 30 minutes or more flights will allow you to see over 20 miles of the beauty of the Amazon Rainforest and the City of Manaus. Bring your friends because this is definitely an experience worth sharing.

Our flightseeing tour begins and ends with an exciting water and/ or land take off and gentle landing on Rio Negro or right in the heart of the city.

I organize flight tours by seaplane, regular plane and helicpter.

Our scenic route includes:

• City of Manaus

• The Amazon Opera House

• Port of Manaus

• The Meeting of the Waters

• The Janauary Ecological Park

• Amazon/ Solimões River

• Rio Negro River “Black River”

• The Rio Negro “Black River” Bridge

• Tropical Hotel

• Ponta Negra Beach

• Anavilhanas Archipelago

• Ariau Tower Hotel


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