
Sprache Englisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
Kosten 160 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

Hello, dear friends! I am Bruno and I work as a professional private guide in Poland. Guide in Warsaw. It will be my pleasure to show you all the beauties and charm of my favorite city in Poland. I speak English,Spanish and Portugues fluently. I have a special license, which means that I have taken special courses of guiding and I have an allowance to visit all the museums, monuments and other places of interest in Krakow.


I specialize on guiding in Krakow, but I also provide tours in other cities even outside Poland.


During my tour you will hear the stories that you will never find in any guidebook. I graduated from the University of Economics in Krakow. Private guide in Warsaw. For more than 17 years I have been working as a guide

Believe me, I know how to arrange everything so my client will have the greatest time in Poland.


Let me be the one to help you find most suitable and affordable lodging and restaurants. All the tours I provide are flexible, which means that the itinerary and timing mostly depends on your desires and opportunities. You can take part in planning of the tour and express your opinion regarding the places you are eager to visit. 

Price includes:

-transortation in a comfortable van with AC for up to 7 participants

-parking fees

× price range 1-3 participants - 160 euros For any additional person + 10 euros ( up to 7 participants )

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