Sprache Niederländisch, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Kosten 1250 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 3 Tage

Bagamoyo was the major slave trading post in East Africa. Bagamoyo, which means ‘lay down your heart’ in Swahili, was probably given this name because Bagamoyo was the last place the slaves would stay in Tanzania before being shipped off to foreign lands. Although the slave trade officially ended in 1873, slaves continued to be sold and traded in Bagamoyo through the end of the nineteenth century. During the slave trade, it was not uncommon to see hundreds of slaves walking through the streets of Bagamoyo chained together by the neck. Slaves were collected from the interior by capture, purchase or trade and then shipped to Zanzibar or Arab countries. Bagamoyo was recently designated as Tanzania’s seventh world heritage site and is the oldest town in Tanzania. Bagamoyo’s history has been influenced by Arab and Indian traders, the German colonial government and Christian missionaries. Although Bagamoyo is no longer the busy port city that it once was, The town been about 50 minutes/80 kilometers north of the Dar-es-Salaam city it has been a tour place for students studying history, humanitarian and others.

Area of Interest

The Kaole Ruins: Arabs were the first Nation to be in Bagamoyo around the Thirteenth Century followed by the Germans. South of Bagamoyo is KAOLE RUINSwhere by Arabs built two Mosques and several tombs as an operation to spread their Muslim religion. All the architecture in Kaole are built in Coral stone.

Bagamoyo Art College: The college accomodates students from all over the world to came and learn African culture especially Tanzania one.Traditional Tanzanian sculpture, carving and painting are some of them. Arrangement for traditional dance at the collage during the tours is possible.

Hanging Place, the site where the German colonial government hanged Africans who rebelled against the German colonial government in the late eighteen century. Most of the Africans who were hanged wants to overthrow the German rule power. In addition during German colonial rule, Bagamoyo was the capital of Tanzania.


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