Mamas Food - Culinary tour - Lunch in a local house

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 29 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 5 Stunden

Do you want to feel like an Albanian? If yes, then let’s get under their skin and stay in a local house with the locals . Enjoy their hospitality and help them cook food for you.

Visit to locals house inside the castle of Berat learn more about Culinary and Culture

Do you want to feel like an Albanian? If yes, then let’s get under their skin and stay in a local house with the locals. Enjoy their hospitality and help them cook food for you. They will be happy to teach you some of their traditional dishes. See their daily life and understand the Albanian traditions. Know about the history and architecture of this place and also some popular legends.

Lunch ,Dinner or Both

Let us know if you are interested to lodge .have a lunch ,dinner or sleep in local homes

Meet Nina or Leta our Mom’s

Eat Lunch or Dinner

Taste the special Alcoholic

Taste the Special Desert Gliko

Guided tour of Berat Castle


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