Government district

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 75 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 3 Stunden

What to expect:

Do you know that 2019 is the year of elections in Ukraine? We have to choose our President and Parliament. That it is why walking through one of the most beautiful and luxuries district of Kiev, we will talk not only about buildings and history but also about politics. What do they do, where do they spend their free time and what for they spend budget resources..

As for me, there are only two options on how to talk about politics: with tears or with laugh. Everyone knows that if you want to live longer you have to make at list 1000 steps on a fresh air, learn something new every day and laugh as much as possible.

All of that you can find in our tour. What can I say? It’s defiantly will be perfect investment in your future)

What we will see:

 National Bank

 Presidential office

 House with Chimaerous

 House of crying widow

 Palaces of Lipki district

 Cabinet of Ministers

 Parliament house

 Mariinsky Palace and park

 One of the most beautiful observation point in Kiev

Important details: you need to take your passport or driving license to show on the entrance to President Office territory

Time: 2 hours (+/- 20 min)

Distance: 3.5 km

We will meet here:

on the Independence square (Maydan)

Prices for a private tour:

*any route in English with a group of

1-3 persons - 25 euro per hour

4-10 persons - 40 euro per hour

11 - 20 persons - 55 euro per hour


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