Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1700 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 1 Tag

This 1 day Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda begins early in the morning and ends in the evening in Kigali. The trek is best executed when the guest is already in Kigali. Usually, this trekking safari begins between 4:30 – 5:00 a.m from Kigali. The guests wake up at 4:30 am to be able to shower and take up their breakfast in preparation for a life time gorilla tracking safari in Rwanda.

After breakfast, you will start at 5:00 am a two and half hour drive to the Volcanoes National Park, the only park in Rwanda that works as a home to the endangered mountain gorillas. Move to Ruhengeri going through the superlative hilly landscape that qualify Rwanda for a title of “a country of a thousand hills”. Upon arrival early morning at in Ruhengeri, you will go to the Park headquarters for briefing and shortly be guided by park rangers on how to stride looking for the gorillas in the forest. This movement in the forest is one of the most memorable experiences of life duration.

While at the briefing point, gorilla families or groups for trekking are allocated, however, some guests may be given gorilla families whose hiking to reach is easy. You will hike up and across the gardens and steep slopes with vegetation, enjoying some misty views of the nearby mountains up to when you will reach your hosts, the gorillas.

After the trek, you will go to any of the lodges or hotels in Ruhengeri for a delicious lunch before driving back to Kigali, where you will arrive late afternoon or in the evening. This marks the end of the thrilling one-day gorilla trekking safari. This gorilla safari in Rwanda in one day is one of the budget day trips in Rwanda that can be done from Kigali.


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