Traveling through Kenya (6 days) Budget safari through Kenya to Amboseli National Park - Accommodation trip

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 750 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 6 Tage


After seeing a beautiful safari documentary on National Geographic or Discovery Channel, have you become enthusiastic and have you been thinking for a while about the idea of making such a beautiful safari yourself? This 5-day safari through Kenya is a perfect trip to fall in love with this fascinating continent for the first time or again. I have done my best to offer a safari through Kenya that is as cheap as possible, so that everyone, young and old, can enjoy everything that Kenya has to offer.

Do you want to make a budget trip through Kenya and still enjoy adventurous safaris with a limited budget? Then we would like to welcome you!

Highlights of this cheap safari through Kenya:

• A safari in the Masaai Mara National Park

• A meeting with the Masaai

• A safari in Lake Nakuru

• A safari in Lake Naivasha

• A safari through Amboseli National Park

Where and how you spend the night during this accommodation trip:

During this trip you will spend some nights in simple, but comfortable and hygienic chalets and lodges . You spend other nights in comfortable safari tents. The accommodations can be compared to what we would call 2-star accommodations in most EU countries. Do not expect luxury accommodations with an extensive buffet, but modest lodges and hotels, with simple but nutritious meals. During one night you share toilet and shower facilities, while the other has en-suite bathrooms. In will provide a detailed travel description where you can read exactly where you will spend the day.

The following is included in the travel sum:

Accommodation in simple chalets, lodges or safari tents, meals , transportation on site in a safari van , guidance from me, entrances to the national parks and excursions as described in the travel description.

The travel sum is exclusive:

Flights, purchases of a personal nature, snacks and alcohol, drinks during meals, optional activities, souvenirs, tips, etc.


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