ski tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 150 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

In Iran has two main chain mountain (Alborz and Zagros). Alborz located in north of Iran and the highest peak of this chain maintain is Damavand. Usually in winter this mountain cover with snow. There are different resort for sky in this mountain.

We suggest Dizin for have a professional and safe ski in Iran. The itinerary for this tour is that:

* Visiting your guide in lobby of your hotel at 6:00 AM

* Transfer to Chaloos , having breakfast at 8:00 AM in Chaloos road, having ski in resort up to 16:00, Transfer to hotel near the resort/ overnight Dizin

* Tomorrow, visit your guide at 8:00 AM in lobby, Transfer to resort and have ski up to 15:00. Transfer to Tehran


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