Kazbegi Mountains Tour / Горный тур в Казбеги

Sprache Englisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Kosten 120 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 11 Stunden

we will start our Moumtains tour from Tbilisi and will have 5 stops.

stop N1 Jinvali water reservoir

This place has amazing scenic views with lots of souvenir shops and honey selling outlets. Its a good place to get some wonderful pictures

N2 Ananuri Fortrees

Ananuri castle represents multifunctional architectural complex of the late feudal times in Georgia. Built on the right bank of Aragvi River in 16th-17th cc, it was the main seat of Aragvi Eristavi - Dukes dynasty since 13th c .

N3 Pasanauri Black and White Aragvi Rivers reunion.

Pasanauri – a small town in Dusheti district , the confluence of Black and White Aragvi Rivers.

N4 Gudauri and Panorama

Gudauri is considered to be the developing ski resort.  The resort’s infrastructure is expanding and growing with new visions of modern Georgia. 

N5 Gergeti trinity church and Kazbegi view.

The church is situated on the right bank of the river Chkheri (the left tributary of the river Terek), at an elevation of 2170 meters (7120 feet), under Mount Kazbegi.


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