Telavi - Ikalto - Alaverdi - Gremi - Nekrisi ( Kakheti Region)

Sprache Englisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Kosten 150 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 12 Stunden

N1 Telavi is the heart of Kakheti, as well as the home to several of the world’s famous wineries, art museums, historical and legendary castles, theatre highlighting folk singing and dancing. But, this is not everything, the trip to Telavi leads you to a surprisingly picturesque region to the world of ancient temples, monasteries, rivers and valleys.

N2 Giant Plane Tree in Telavi -  the almost 900 year old tree attracts thousands of visitors’ attention, as it is the oldest and unusual sighting of the city. Its width is about 12 meters and height is 46 meters.

N3 Ikalto Monastery - The monument of Georgian architecture is located in Kakheti region, Telavi municipality. 

The monastery was founded in the VI century by one of the Assyrian fathers Zenon, whose sacred parts are rested in the same monastery. According to the legend, Arsen Iqaltoeli (XI-XII centuries) founded the academy there.

N4 Alaverdi - Cathedral and Monastery is located in the Kakheti region of Akhmeta municipality, on Alazani valley, near the village of Alaverdi, 20 km from Telavi.

The temple is one of the largest church buildings in Georgia. Its height including dome is above 50 meters.

N5 Gremi - the Georgian Orthodox Cathedral is located in Kakheti, in Kvareli municipality village, in the citadel of the east of Gremi, on a high hill. It was built by the King of Kakheti, Levan in 1565. The paintings were finished  in 1577.

N6 Nekrisi.

Nekresi is a historic town in Kakheti, Georgia, in modern day Kvareli Municipality, near the village of Shilda. The town was established by king Pharnajom (around 2nd-1st centuries BC). In the 4th century AD, king Thrdat built a church in this place. This church became a refuge to one of the Assyrian fathers, Abibus, in the late 6th century. Around this time Diocese of Nekresi was established, which existed until the 19th century. The church was recently restored, stone masonry repaired, roof rebuilt, windows put in place.


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