Ateshgah Temple and Burning Mountain

Sprache Azerbaijani, Englisch, Türkisch
Kosten 60 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

During this tour we will visit mystic Atesgah fire temple and eternal Buring Mountain. Atesgah fire temple show us religious and life habits and worship forms of Zoroastrians. There are about 10 mystic rooms around main Atesgah temple. Besides, We will visit Haydar Mosque. During tour I will give you all correct informations about our visiting places.

What's included - Comfortable private car (To pick-up / drop off at your hotel).Educated and professional guide service. Depends on your wish going local stores. restaurants, bazars etc.


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