Katara Cultural Village & Pearl Qatar

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 30 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Stunde

Katara build to epitomize the Qatari traditional architecture. Katara's design makes it a proper environment for cultural, creative intellectual and artistic activities through carnivals, social events, symposiums, exhibitions, concerts and all kinds of artistic expressions. The entire Katara complex is built in a fusion of oriental architectural and retro-romantic style, pretty differently from most of Doha’s charming new cultural buildings, elsewhere in the city. Overlooking the radiant blue sea, The Katara Amphitheatre is an architectural beauty and created as a fusion of the perpetual Islamic features and classical Greek theatre concept. The Opera House offers a lavish cultural experience with a blend of Oriental and late Victorian architectural styles, resultant from European 19th century models and conventional Islamic design. Katara Plaza Mall – an open air shopping mall at the cultural district of Qatar.


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