2 Day : TUMPAK SEWU and BROMO start Malang

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage

These are the most amazing and famous Waterfalls and Mountains on the island of Java, the best waterfalls in Indonesia. Feel adventurous when visiting this place.

Perfect for additional adventures in the country.

Original article about tour rates and programs, click on my blog zainitransport.blogspot.com

VISIT: Tumpak Sewu, Goa Tetes and Cemoro Lawang Bromo. (sea of sand and craters).

ROUTE: Malang-Dampit-Lumajang-Probolinggo. DROP OFF: Malang / Surabaya.

INCLUSION : Private transportation with AC, Petrol, Retribution, Parking fees.

EXCLUSION : All site entry fees, meals, travel insurance.

MAX 3 People. Additional of number, let me know.

2D - 1400s.



The driver will pick you up any hotel in Malang and drive to Tumpak Sewu (2.30h), after walking for 10 minute from parking area of location, you will hear the roar of waterfall. You still have to see the waterfall from below. For extra activities you will find a cave called Goa Tetes..After that back to the car and drive to Cemoro lawang village of Bromo. Arrive hotel estimate at 6 pm.


At 03am. Wake up early start from hotel climb to Seruni view point for Panorama and take Picture ( Enter the sea sand and the crater is a national park area, you have to buy entrance fees). After that, back to hotel, prepare and driving going back to Malang.

This is my program offer.

The final word. If you are interested in this program. Please contact me.


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