Kuala Gandah(1-4paxs)-Day Trip From Kuala Lumpur

Sprache Englisch, Indonesisch, malaiisch
Kosten 190 MYR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 10 Stunden

Kuala Gandah Elephant Conservation Centre is an elephant santuary located in Temerloh,Pahang..We will going there by car..The fare for the day trip to there; RM190 for 10 hours per car/day included petrol & toll,excluded parking charges & entrance ticket to any sights..Will pick up you at the hotel around 9AM and the trip will be ended around 7PM..The capacity of the trip;1-4 persons..Please bring your towel and additional clothes if you want to bath with elephant & also swimming..


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