Day trip to Ronda from Seville with optional white villages tours

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 94 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

Ronda is the one the most historic cities in Spain which its stunning location on a mountain, perched on top of high gorges that provide one of the very must-shoot spots of our nation. It is famous because ravine of vertigo, meander through the serpentine streets of the historic center to discover sacred structures like the Church of Santa Mari. We will discover its famous bullring, the footprint of many romantic travelers, Bandoleros and the popular writer story of Hemingway or Orson Wells. Ronda is full of surprises.

You can choose several option tours:

- Zahara de la Sierra and old mill stone: perched on the top of thill, whitewashed houses that has an impressive sight the around Biosphere Reserve Grazalema . P. We will learn how to make organic olive oil and we will taste it.

- Setenil de las Bodegas: with troglodyte dwellings built into the rock. It has asthonished location.

- Ronda Wine Interpretation Center. Enjoy a wine tasting and learn how to make wine in an old romam winery.

- Granada roadtrip


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