Private Tour to Granada from Seville

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 100 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 12 Stunden

I've planned this tour to let you discover the most visited monument of Spain. Probably, the most important architectural structures of the Middle Ages and the finest example of Islamic art left to us in the western world. Its reddish walls (in Arabic, («qa'lat al-Hamra'» means Red Castle), the speaking walls covered with beautiful and extremely rich ceramics and plasterwork.

You will discover why I said that The Alhambra is Granada's - and Europe's - love letter to Moorish culture.

This is a day trip from Seville to visit not only Alhambra but also the Albayzín which is Unesco Heritage, the old Moorish city Granada and experience the lifestyle of Granada, where I lived for one year while I was a student. It is the best city in Spain to taste the tapas.

Please, note that the tickets sell out quickly so to avoid disappointment, book ahead, either online or by phone.

As we will go until Granada from Seville, we will enjoy the ANDALUSIAN countryside and we will learn about the geography of my homeland.


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