Walking excursion in the amazing Caminito del Rey

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 146 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 10 Stunden

El Caminito del Rey is the most spectacular natural beauty spot and one of the most visited in the world. This is a canyon carved by the river Gualdhore in limestone and dolomite. The boardwalks and a hanging footbridge that stands at 100 overage meters height, at some point 10 meters wide and 400 meters deep along 7 km as well as steep walls, make many visitors feel inevitably dizzy. This already makes it breathtaking and attractive.

It is one of the places that generate not only images in your memory but also experiences and feelings that last forever, totally guaranteed.

After the visit, you will have the option to join two optional tours:

- Discover the history hidden behind the remains of the mythical Bobastro Fortress: old Christian city during the Omeyya Caliphate carved in stone;

- Kayaking tour in the reservoir of Guadalhorce and if you have still energy we can work out the arms in the crystalline water of Guadalhorce reservoir.


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