Cox's Bazar is a Great Tourist Attraction

Sprache Bengali, Englisch
Kosten 700 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage

Cox's Bazar is famous for its long natural sandy sea beach. I have been to Cox's Bazar in all seasons and many times over the last 20 years or so. And I would love to share my practical experience with you! Even 20 years ago Cox's Bazar was relatively a small town. There were lots of hotels, motels and guest houses for tourists' accommodations and restaurants for having a variety of great food still there at around that time. But, over the years Cox's Bazar has been transformed into a busy tourist city. It has more international visitors now than ever. The availability of more recreational facilities is attracting more tourists every year.

Cox's Bazar has the world's largest unbroken sea beach which stretches more than 120 km. The entire beach is a stretch of golden sandy sea beach which is reachable by motorbike. The beach gets busy from November to early March. If you want to avoid the herd of both domestic and international tourists, then the best time to take a trip there would be between April and September, preferrably April and June.

Today, it boasts of luxurious five-star and three-star hotels some of which are international chain hotels. There are numerous budget-friendly modern hotels, motels and guest houses at cheaper prices. The variety of accommodation options and a wide array of restaurants available today has made it a perfect base to explore magnificent beaches and other natural beauty in and around Cox's Bazar.

Communication was not that good even a decade ago, but today it is very well-connected by air and road link with the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka and the port city Chittagong. There are high-class direct bus/coach services to and from Dhaka and Chittagong. Going by bus or coach will allow you to explore the stunning landscapes of Bangladesh.


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