Mir and Niesvizh castles

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 200 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

If you asked me about the Middle ages in Belarus, about the prosperity and importance of the lords, about historical events and local people influenced the world history, about the natural beauty of our country I would definitely recommend you this tour.

First of all we will dive into the ocean of Belarusian history and I promise you will easily distinguish the Grand Dutchcy of Lithuania, the Polish -Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Russian Empire and Soviet Belarus, cause all of them are the bricks of our history.

After 1 hour driving you will be rewarded with 2 amazing places which are the small town Mir with the 500 year old castle and Niesvizh with the former royal palace belonged to the richest family of Radziwills.

Both have charming natural surroundings and are UNESCO sites.


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