Jewish steps

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 100 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

An amazing unique tour to the Jewish Synagogues to learn about Jewish history in İstanbul.

In history, Turks have been really kind and caring about the Jewish communities, therefore, in İstanbul there are so many Jewish Synagogues. In this tour after picking you up from your hotel in a private air-conditioned vehicle, you will be guided to the Jewish Museum as a start of the program. Our next stop will be Neve Shalom Synagogue which is one of the biggest Synagogues in Istanbul, while circling along the Jewish district we will be making outer visits to the Italian Synagogue till we arrive at the most famous Jewish Camondo family apartment, we will go up to the roof of it to watch an amazing view of the Golden Horn and the Old town of Istanbul. After getting down from the apartment you will be guided to Ashkenazi Synagogue and Schneider temple which was a German Synagogue in İstanbul.

Then we will head to one of the most famous heritage left by the Jewish Camondo family as you will visit the Camondo steps at last where you will see the amazing 18th century Bankalar Street.

Continue with karakoy neighbourhood and visit turkish Meryem Ana Church and outer visit to Georgian Synagogue

At the end of this amazing tour that full of visits to the historical sites, I will drop you off at your hotel safely.


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