Borjomi city walking tour

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 40 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 3 Stunden

We will give you a perfect introduction to tour with fairy tales,legends You will see the famous city landmarks and major sights of the town.

walk you through the history of Borjomi starting in front of “Firuza”-one of the most important historical buildings in Borjomi. Situated at the entrance of the “Mineral Water Park,” it was built in 1892 by the consul of Iran and is considered a unique cultural monument. The building combines characteristics of Persian, Georgian and European stylesdegustation of famous mineral waters from the “Ekaterinovsky” spring, taking cable car to the highest spot of the mineral waters park to see best viewpoint of Borjomi.

The hike will continue for another 40 minutes through this impressive and dramatic landscape before reaching healing hot water swimming pools . 30-32% baths were discovered 200 years ago from then its been popular place for visitors eager to hear the steam of Borjomula river and swim in warm,soft and healhty water.

Hiking through woods and meadows listening to the birds chirping.


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