Day trip to Vardzia caves

Sprache Englisch, georgisch, Russisch
Kosten 100 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 8 Stunden

Day-tour to Vardzia is an amazing opportunity for an unforgettable experience of your time in Georgia. On the way to this magnificent ancient cave town, that was built in rocks, you will enjoy the nature and discover completely restored Rabati fortress in the town of Akhaltsikhe. Don’t miss the chance to visit one of the most prominent historical sights of the South Caucasus. Drive towards the South-West of Georgia Arrive in Akhaltsikhe for a short tour inside Rabati fortress. Its name comes from Arabic meaning “fortified place”. The old stone Rabati fortress is standing on the small hill on the very shores of the Potskhovi River. Continue our tour to Vardzia. En route, short photo-stop at Khertvisi fortress (10-11th century). Arrive to Vardzia, which was erected in the 12-13th centuries during the rule of George III and his daughter Queen Tamara for the purpose of the southern boundaries of Georgia protection. Vardzia is not just a set of random rooms cut in rocks. It is a multi-storied complex with streets, tunnels and stairs leading to monasteries, temples, fortresses, baths, libraries dwelling houses.


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