Pulau Sumba

Sprache Indonesisch
Kosten 1200 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 6 Tage

Sumba is an island located in the southern part of Indonesia which is very famous for its natural beauty, customs and culture. His name is sticking out to be one of the favorite destinations for domestic and foreign tourists. Most of Sumba's landscape is dominated by grasslands. As an island that is included in the Wallacea area, Sumba is rich in biodiversity. There are several unique traditions in Sumba, including the tradition of kissing the nose, The Meaning of Horses for the Sumbanese Society, Pasola War, Cultural Attractions of Sumba Ancestral Heritage, and many more that can be enjoyed when visiting the island of Sumba.


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