day trip from marrakech atlas mountain imlil valley

Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 60 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

This unique tour to discover the magnificent landscapes of the Atlas Mountains and the Berber villages will start in the morning from your accommodation in Marrakech where we will pick you up in a comfortable air-conditioned car or minibus.

We will head to the Atlas Mountains admiring the breathtaking views of the Berber villages before stopping at Tahnaout village to visit the Women Cooperative of Argan Oil and have a short walk in the weekly market that held on every Tuesday. Next, we will go to the Asni river for a ride on a camel at the foot of the village of Moulay Ibrahim and visit the weekly local market as well (held on Saturday).

Then continue by car to the beautiful Imlil Valley. Accompanied by me, we will go for a walk through the beautiful landscapes of Imlil villages.

After returning to the village of Ait Souka not far from the virgin river, we will eat lunch compromising of tasty local cuisine served on the terrace overlooking the village.

After all, we will meet a local family to discover the traditional way of life of the inhabitants in the mountains.

Finally, you will return to the busy city of Marrakech by evening.

Your adventure awaits!


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