Cordoba Attractions

Sprache Englisch, persisch
Kosten 1000 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

Cordoba is an Andalusian city with a glorious past. It was the world’s most populous city in the 10th century and became a center for education under the Moors who conquered it in the 8th century. Outstanding examples of Islamic architecture can be found throughout the city, with the famous Mezquita, a mosque-cum-cathedral, dominating the skyline from all directions.

Other top attractions in Cordoba include several structures from Roman times. The city also is known for its beautiful flowers and carefully landscaped patios that are celebrated with a patio festival each May.

The Calahorra Tower is another Cordoban landmark that represents Islamic architecture. Located at the south end of the Roman Bridge, the horseshoe-shaped tower is the oldest defensive site in Cordoba. It was built by the Moors to protect the city from attackers. It originally consisted of an arched gate between two towers; a third tower was added by King Henry of Castile in the 14th century. Today, it houses a museum that showcases Cordoba’s history, including the peaceful co-existence of Christians, Jews and Muslims. It also showcases the early culture, science and engineering feats that Andalusia was famous for centuries ago.


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