Best of Furano Biei Sightseeing Bus Tour from Sapporo

Sprache Englisch, japanisch
Kosten 2000 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 3 Tage

Visit beautiful flowering gardens, Farm Tomita, Biei Shikisai-no-oka, and the mysterious Blue Pond

This is one day tour from Sapporo to must see places in Furano and Biei, representative places in Hokkaido.

We take a sightseeing tour bus from Sapporo. Lunch is included to the price so this tour is very affordable for small size group.

I have been to Furano Biei more than 50 times , and I will take you the important places at each destination directly during the limited time.

Furano Biei area has beautiful farm lands and lavender and many flower gardens.

The Blue Pond in Biei is a mysterious blue color pond. Our destinations are so photogenic.

Food is also famous, you can try sweet melons, lavender ice cream, potatoes and corns.

Lunch is in local food at Furano Wine House.

We come back to Sapporo just after 7:00 pm.


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