Taiwan] Jiufen old town & Shifen street (Join in group)

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, japanisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
Kosten 794 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 8 Stunden

** 13:30 tour is unavailable unitl 1st May.** ** You can try to book 8:30am at here: https://tour.myproguide.com/en/tours/348 ** Join this hassle free tour with different friend! Jiufen & Shifen are the best spots for tourist to take a day trip from Taipei. If you come to Taipei, you don't want to miss these charming places!! Jiufen:It was a gold and coal mining town before. Walking on the narrow cobbled street, people can view the historical trace by the old buildings. Drink a cup of Taiwanese tea with local dessert at Tea House (茶樓), one of famous iconic landmark in Jiufen, is the must! Shifen:People can wander on the old rail track and release own sky lanterns. The old rail was lined with different kind of sky lantern shops, snack shops that you can have fun and eat local food at a time. Oh! Please mind that the old rail track is still working. [Itinerary] 1:15pm meet up at GaKuDen Bakery (near exit 4 of Ximen Station) 1:30pm depart to Shifen Waterfall 2:30pm arrive at Shifen Waterfall 3:30pm depart to Shifen Old Street 3:40pm arrive at Shifen Old Street 4:40pm depart to Jiufen 5:30pm arrive at Jiufen 8:30pm return to GaKuDen Bakery (near exit 4 of Ximen Station) 9:30pm arrive at GaKuDen Bakery (near exit 4 of Ximen Station) [導覽內容] 1:15 AM 集合,於台北市中正區衡陽路99號「樂田麵包屋」前集合(近捷運西門站4號出口) 1:30 PM 出發前往十分瀑布 2:30 PM 十分瀑布 3:30 PM 出發前往十分老街 3:40 PM 十分老街 4:40 PM 出發前往九份 5:30 PM 九份 8:30 PM 回程 9:30 PM 抵達西門町集合點,行程結束


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