Sprache Englisch
Kosten 40 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 1 Tag

Materuni is the home of the Chagga tribe and is still an authentic tribal village. First on the planning is a visit to the waterfalls. You’ll walk for about 45 minutes over narrow paths through lush vegetation. On a clear day you might see Kilimanjaro, but even if you don’t we’re sure you won’t be disappointed. The scenery is stunning and your guide will give you a first introduction to Chagga culture and habits. There’ll be time to rest at the waterfall, or even a swim if you’re brave enough to face the cold water.

Later on you’ll walk back to the village over a partly different path, which again will take around 45 minutes. You’ll continue your day with a coffee experience. Your guide will explain more about how the coffee beans are grown, dried, roasted etc. But that’s not all! You won’t just get the explanation, but also the opportunity to execute every step by yourself, while the locals are singing and dancing all around.


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