Lycian Way Trekking Tour Phase 2 Patara - Myra

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 999 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Woche

I have 3 different route trekking tours in Lycianway.

I can manage to tour for your wishes.

For more and for tour programme, contact me.

7 days hotel accommodations, luggage and backpack transferred.

Accompanied by our guide, who has been walking this trail for years, specialized in the Lycian Way and also has walking and climbing training; Contrary to the programs implemented so far, you will experience many different experiences in our program, where we blend entertainment and comfort with historical and natural beauties. The untouched Çukuryurt Beach, Kalabantia, the historical port of the Ancient City of Sidyma, and Cennet Bay, which you will be surprised to be of this world, are just a few of the symbolic spots you will encounter at this event. In addition, extraordinary activities such as the boat tour from Kalabantia and the local wine tasting planned in Patara Sand Dunes will take you to other worlds.

Our program is to stay in luxurious facilities and taste the delicious dishes of Anatolian cuisine; It is planned to be completed without compromising the comfort of our valued guests. We invite you to this journey to discover this special route together again.


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