Portland Experience

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 750 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 12 Stunden

Portland is known for it's natural beauty. It is noted for its beaches, such as Frenchman's Cove, Boston Beach, Winifred, and Dragon Bay to name a few. Portland is also home to countless rivers, waterfalls and caves (we know where they are). The Blue Mountains are also located in Portland; two Maroon communities are located there. The internationally known Blue Lagoon is in this parish; it is believed to be the crater of an extinct volcano. The lagoon is a cove with approximately 55 m (180 ft.) of water. Rafting is also available on the Rio Grande river.

Boston Jerk Centre in Portland is an area well known for its "jerked" foods, including chicken, fish and pork. This is an ideal location for a backpacker or a group hoping to experience nature at its finest. A popular location for filming, more than 800 film or screen productions have been shot in Portland including Disney productions and scenes from the James Bond (007) series.

We can provide beach front lodging and dining where your front yard is the ocean. If you prefer to just indulge for a day, we can arrange that too. Price vary based on size of group and preferred activities


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