Floating Village & Sunset in Tonle Sap Lake

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 65 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

We will pick you up from the hotel at 3:00 pm. Then we head to the fishing or floating village of Kampong Plouk where the stilts-houses Village. There are many interesting things to do if you would like to learn more about the daily life of the local lifestyle who live depending on fishing activities.

Kampong Plouk is beautiful and is the most exciting floating village where you can go for a day tour or even half Day tour to experience the daily lives of the Villagers.

After the village tour, we will boat down the lake and watch the unforgettable sunset in the Tonle Sap Lake paired with fresh cold beers.

Tour is included:

- A tour guide

- Transportation (Tuk Tuk, A/C car, Van)

- Hotel pick up/ drop off

- cold drinking water

- cold beer


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