Levi Zelkind ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Israel

My name is Levi Zelkind, and I'm a tour guide in Israel. My major specialization is in the field of the Holy Land History and Religions. I conduct general as well as Pilgrim (Protestant, Orthodox and Catholic) and Jewish tours, based on specific company' programs or/and author tours, as well. Whatever is a specific tour program, I always take into an account deep feelings of the pilgrims towards the Holy Land, which makes their visit unforgettable. This is far from being only guiding, as I manage taking people in the very depth of the Holy Land experience.

We all know that these are difficult days for the incoming tourism, but still I'm positive that much better days are at arm’s length. Hope that my professional experience might be interesting for you and your colleagues (I conduct tours both in English and Russian). I hope to hearing from you in a near future

Sprachen Arabisch, Englisch, hebräisch, Russisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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