Marie Greyvenstein ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Südafrika

My name is Marie and I am a culture guide in Alexandria- a history rich little town 100 kilometers east of Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape.

I understand and love the local history and culture of my area. I am also a nature guide with a love for all things in nature be it plants, trees, birds and animals. I can also do tours in the Addo National Park.

I am friendly, easy going, knowledgeable in my field and also dependable. Specializing in a variety of casual, personalized,guided history and nature based tours in and around Alexandria and surrounding areas. I do walking tours in town but also driving tours when needed for tours outside of town.

I am a certified tour guide and is registered with the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency.

Activities in this area can include history and culture, exploration and sightseeing, art and museums, food and restaurants as well as shopping in the bigger city of Port Elizabeth.

Sprachen Afrikaans, Englisch
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