Antonio Gómez ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Spanien

If you’re not looking for a guide overwhelming you with info you’d forget in 2 hours, you may keep reading!

I’m a young historian who currently keeps doing guided tours as a passion while keeping my main current job (in the travel industry as well). I got certified as an official tour guide in Florence, the cradle of art, which allows me to be an official tour guide in Barcelona as well.

I refuse to propose predefined tours to my clients, I’d rather ask you which are your preferences or interests and then I’ll put up a tailor made itinerary for you.

I enjoy making you feel the real city life, giving you tips so you can enjoy the best food and the best corners of Madrid without feeling too much of an ordinary tourist.

Moreover, I am specialized in Jewish related tours, and I could put you in contact with our (Reform or liberal) community here!.

Ready for a fresh and informative experience? :)

P.S: Please kindly send me a message before booking, since my calendar may not be up to date

Sprachen Englisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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