Yukiko F ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Japan

I'm YUKIKO. I'm a Licensed Tour Guide and a Registered Nurse. The tour guide is my current main job thanks to the increasing number of repeat, referred, and new clients.

I was born and raised in Tokyo. After passing the National tour guide examination, I have worked as a professional tour guide since 2015. I've experienced guiding in various areas near Tokyo and Nagano, Kyoto, and Osaka. I can do a tour for a wide range of clients, such as solo travelers, couples, families, mobility-challenged clients, and a big group. I am a mother of nine years old girl. So I'd be glad to welcome families with young children as well.

I used to teach Japanese culture to elementary students from Kindergarten to Grade 6 at local and private elementary schools when I lived in Canada, the United States, and New Zealand. My happiest moments with these children were when they looked forward to another lesson every week. All lessons were customized and prepared after discussing with each classroom teacher. It was a challenging job, but this experience broadened my horizons and prompted me to become an English tour guide.

I also have a license from the National Examination for Certified Domestic Travel Service Supervisor, Registered Nurse, and Medical Interpreter. I've still worked as a nurse during the off-tourism season and kept a medical background. There are some common thinking between a Tour guide and a Nurse; both jobs require me to put myself in their shoes. After discussing the tour, I'll make plans considering their physical conditions and arrange any support.

I'm looking forward to meeting you on my tour! Arigatou!

Sprachen Englisch, japanisch
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