Habibullah Hemel ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Bangladesch

In Bangladesh, I have visited many places so far many times, and got very accustomed to those places & peoples. (As it is my motherland).

I got familiar with Socio-geographical and cultural knowledge and terms about the places and origins and their histories.

So , (WITH a BUDGET FRIENDLY COST) I can help the respective foreign tourists with local knowledge, and make their tour more easily and ENJOYABLE (, and most importantly their SECURITY OF LIFE AND BELONGINGS, & PREVENT them from local frauds and guilty.

About ME : I am a 4th year Medical Student.

Besides, i like to work as a foreigner tourist guide because-

1.-I want to meet foreign peoples, provide them with good idea & knowledge what they want to know within my country, and seek a little knowledge from them so that , it can help me to push forward in my future visions.

2.- this job will provide me A little income, A little knowledge, A little experience, BUT bigger world, a bigger possibility.

And, i think i am for this job, cause - i am very understandable (within my language barrier) flexible, negotiable and cordial to peoples i meet.

I am fluent in English and bengali( all local terms).

- I also know a little japanese and arabic.

- -As a medical student , i can give medical support and advice (not medicine)

-I am clam minded, i think carefully.

--I am honest , responsible to my duties.

I can easily mix with people & can have a good term with them.

Thank you. I hope to be able to meet you in person and be able to further discuss this exciting opportunity with You

Sprachen Arabisch, Englisch, hindi, japanisch, Urdu
Währungen Dollar (USD), Taka (BDT)

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