Hassan Merzouga ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Marokko, Kolumbien

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  • Français

About me

I'm Hassan Local and certified Moroccan Guide, owner off a small business Trips Marra based in Morocco run by my Berber Family. We are a specialist Morocco Private tour company offering bespoke Morocco Travel & Tailor Tours of Morocco. This Local Company has a team of certified and experienced guides and drivers who will ensure your comfort, safety and enjoyment . Trips Marra run private tours and treks suitable for couples, groups of friends or students and families with children. Tours run from Marrakech, Fes, Casablanca, Tangiers and elsewhere in the country on request including pick-up and drop-off in different cities with Customized and new Special itinerary.We've been driving clients for many years in our Air-Conditioned : Toyota 4WD land Cruisers, Mini-Vans and Bus. Please don't hesitate taking your lifetime flexible experience with Trips Marra .As a member of the American Association of Travel Agents we take pride in our impeccable service and reputation. We donate 5% of all proceeds to Berber and nomadic Villages.

About me

I'm Hassan Local and certified Moroccan Guide, owner off a small business Trips Marra based in Morocco run by my Berber Family. We are a specialist Morocco Private tour company offering bespoke Morocco Travel & Tailor Tours of Morocco. This Local Company has a team of certified and experienced guides and drivers who will ensure your comfort, safety and enjoyment . Trips Marra run private tours and treks suitable for couples, groups of friends or students and families with children. Tours run from Marrakech, Fes, Casablanca, Tangiers and elsewhere in the country on request including pick-up and drop-off in different cities with Customized and new Special itinerary.We've been driving clients for many years in our Air-Conditioned : Toyota 4WD land Cruisers, Mini-Vans and Bus. Please don't hesitate taking your lifetime flexible experience with Trips Marra .As a member of the American Association of Travel Agents we take pride in our impeccable service and reputation. We donate 5% of all proceeds to Berber and nomadic Villages.

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Währungen Dirham (MAD), Pfund (GBP), Peso (DOP)

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