Rana Shahroz ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Pakistan

Hi everyone am Rana Shahroz from Lahore I hope you guys enjoy your time If you not than grab your stuff and move in pakistan and let me explore you the incredible hospitality and amazing sights of Lahore city that you never seen before and Lahore is known as city of gardens and the amazing tastes of food if you guys wanna see the insane mountain area of hunza Valleys which most natural and beautiful places of earth and for sea side just check out karachi the most tasty baryani (rice and chicken with traditional ingredients and spices) so what are you waiting for I you this side as your friend and you guide with open arms thanks for listening

Your enjoyment my responsibility.

Sprachen Englisch, hindi, Panjabi, Punjabi, Türkisch, Urdu
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