Hassan Ait hmad ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Marokko

My name is Hassan ,I born and raised in Imlil High Atlas Mountains.

I have been working as a tour guide for more than 8 years with different nationality, I speak Berber, Arabic, English and French.

I am a certificated tour guide with the minister of tourism.

My aim is to share and let you know about my culture and the way of living of local people, as well as to let you experience new things in order to make it unforgettable for you.

Your safety is our number one priority above everything else.

Our guides, porters and mule handlers are well paid, well fed and treated ethically.

We are ecologically aware and will not do anything to damage the beautiful environment they live in. This place is our home.

I speak your language.

Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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