Misha Barcas ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Spanien

Hello to all English-speaking travelers! Are you planning to visit, fall in love, be surprised, or become a friend with this unique city of Barcelona?

The city which never sleeps is a notorious, melting pot of different cultures, traditions, and religions - none of those words could describe the kaleidoscope of impressions you will meet here!

My itineraries are far from standard tourist paths, you can find those by yourself pretty easily. I will show you the hidden side of the city with many faces. Are you coming during summer or winter, for a long time, or just in transit - I will always suggest something special to impress you and make your visit unforgettable (according to your desires and budget)!

Do you love the city as much as I do? - it will be my question after our tour. And please believe me I know your answer already now!

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