Paola De Luca ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Argentinien

I've been a tour guide since 2012. I'm passionate about showing every corner of my city and passing on everything I know about it. There are so many things to appreciate in Buenos Aires: museums, food, tango, notable cafés, specialized stores, architecture, history, and customs, let's discover it together.

I'm also a guided touring professor at San Martín National University and organize tours for local people to neighborhoods that are off the tourist circuit in the city. I am studying a master's degree in world history, and I have a Diploma in Buenos Aires History and Argentinian Culture. I really love Buenos Aires and I hope you do so….

I also have a car (Volkswagen Suran) so If you want we can move around in it.

I'm flexible and all my tours can be customized according to your own interest.

Sprachen Englisch, Spanisch
Währungen Dollar (USD)

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