overday to alexandria

Язык арабский, Английский, Немецкий
Стоимость 100 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 11 часов

Tour Itinerary

Start day tour by pick up to Alexandria by a Private highly experienced & well-qualified tour Guide, and visit Pompay’s Pillar & the ruins of the temple of Serapis, it was once a magnificent structure rivaling the Soma and the Caesarean. Then, visit the Catacombs. Lunch at local restaurant in Alexandria , and go watch Qeitbay Citadel which was constructed on the site of the ancient lighthouse of Alexandria . pass by The new Library of Alexandria which was once the most famous on the ancient world, home to an unsurpassed collection of manuscripts, codices, and 700 thousands of papyrus scrolls. In 1970s, plans were made to build the bibliotheca Alexandrina, an enormous complex of libraries, museums, theaters, art galleries, and even a planetarium. The new Bibliotheca recalls the majesty of the ancient Library, one of the original Seven Wonders of the ancient World, and pays homage to Alexandria’s legacy as a center of scholarship. tour Alexandria’s Montazah Gardens and Haramlek Palace, royal retreats. Then back to Cairo


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