The “best of Lisbon” put together

Язык Английский
Стоимость 50 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 6 часов

We'll descend from Principe Real Square through Bairro Alto and Chiado neighbourhoods, stopping and visiting the most special places.

After a tasty Portuguese lunch we'll feel the beat of Lisbon's heart on Rossio Square and taste the typical Ginjinha that will provide us energy enough to climb Mouraria neighbourhood and conquer St. George Castle (we'll get a prize when we get there). Then we'll plunge into Alfama neighbourhood and loose ourselves in its labyrinthine ancient streets, visit the old Cathedral and a very special church nearby. We'll finish our tour in the magnificent Trade's Square.

What's included:

- all entrances

- 2 tastings

Notes: Price is per person. Children (under 6 years old) don't pay and are always welcome (please be aware that walking tours with children and baby trolleys may be hard to handle in some situations).


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