Isfahan to Imam Khomeini Air port (Last Day Trip)

Язык Английский, персидский
Стоимость 200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 день

If you want to go Imam Khomeini Air port from Isfahan, can save your money and time.

Move to Abyaneh Village, visit Abyaneh, move to Kashan, Visit historical houses and fin garden then start to move to Air port.

Depending on your flight time we can change schedule.

Fixed price for this trip is 6,000,000 rials. (not depend on numbers of people till 3person) for 4 and more people we should take wan, So price is 7,000,000 rials.

Visits you can have:

Abyaneh Village

Natanz Jame Mosque and old Cedar Tree.

Tabatabaei-ha historical house.

Borujerdi-ha historical house.

Sialk Ancient hill.

Fin Garden.

All ticket prices will be paid by clients.

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